Silver Tier
Liquidity & Staking Tier
This tier focuses on another category of Zeebu, specifically aimed at the liquidity portion as we work to increase our capacity for settling transactions. By holding as little as [REDACTED] ZBU, qualified blue members can participate in our campaign, with a total budget of 4 million ZBU airdropped. To join, simply provide liquidity starting at [REDACTED] ZBU to Balancer or delegate as little as [REDACTED] ZBU to an active or pre-active node. This initiative is designed to reward our loyal community members while promoting stability and growth within the ecosystem.
Participation Requirements
Community Engagement: Liquidity Participation
KYC & KYB Completion: Non-Mandatory
Tier Completion: Blue Tier & Silver Tier
Holding: Hold at least [REDACTED] $ZBU for 90 days
Staking: Stake at least [REDACTED] $ZBU for 60 days
Liquidity Provision: Provide [REDACTED] amount of $ZBU to the balancer pool for 90 days
LP Lock: Stake at least [REDACTED] $ZBU for 90 days
Swapping: Swap [REDACTED] $ZBU within 60 days
Airdrop & Budget Details
Budget: 4M ZBU will be allocated for this tier, and split among the participants, with a total of 60 million ZBU available for this epoch
Last updated