Community Airdrop
ZBU Protocol Waitlist
Key Points and Benefits for Early Backers
Zeebu's Community Airdrop is a strategic move to decentralize power and engage users. The protocol is distributing millions of dollars worth of ZBU tokens, rewarding participants who take specific actions to support and grow the network.
This point-based system incentivizes meaningful engagement. Users earn points for tasks that strengthen Zeebu's ecosystem, from social media interactions to network participation. These points will convert to ZBU tokens, giving early adopters a stake in the protocol's future. By spreading ownership widely, Zeebu aims to create a more robust, community-driven network resistant to centralized control.
Note: All ZIP points accumulated will remain intact and will carry forward into the Blue Tier. This means that the November 15 airdrop is an additional bonus, offered above and beyond the main airdrop.
ZBU Airdrop Season 1
The ZBU Airdrop for Season 1 introduces a tiered participation system, each with distinct tasks, timelines, and rewards. Users can progress through these tiers by completing specified activities, with each tier offering unique benefits to incentivize greater engagement and commitment to the protocol.
End Date
Tier Wise ZBU Allocation
Social Fi + Basic Financial ( Hold )
Jan 2025
Social Fi + Stake
Feb 2025
(Node Staking, Delegation) with StZBU
March 2025
Node Activation + Governance
March 2025
Tier Upgrade through financial activity
Required minimum ZIPs
Required Minimum (VeZBU or veLP)
100 veZBU / 1,000 veLP
2,500 veZBU / 22,000 veLP
10,000 veZBU / 90,100 veLP
Tier Upgrade Criteria/Eligiblity
To Upgrade your tier through financial activity you need to make sure you have Required minimum ZIPs & Required Minimum (VeZBU or veLP) both criteria fulfilled if you don’t meet either of the criteria you won’t be upgraded to the next tier.
If you don’t perform any of the financial activity and want to upgrade your tier just by inviting users, refer to the below-mentioned table
Tier Upgrade through contribution
Invited Users
10 Qualified Silver or Higher
50 Qualified Silver or 10 Gold or 3 Platinum
100 Qualified Silver or 40 Gold or 10 Platinum
Tier Upgrade Mechanism
Users can progress to higher tiers based on specific eligibility requirements:
Financial Activity: Users who perform eligible financial activities (staking, holding, delegation, or providing liquidity) will qualify for a tier upgrade as per the structure above.
ZIPs, VeZBU, and VeLP Requirements: Each tier requires a combination of ZIP points, VeZBU tokens, or VeLP tokens. Users must accumulate the necessary points/tokens to qualify for each tier.
Invites Achievements: Users can also advance tiers by successfully onboarding other users who meet tier requirements. For example:
Silver Tier requires 10 qualified invited users at Silver or higher.
Gold Tier requires 50 Silver invited users, 10 Gold, or 3 Platinum invited users.
Platinum Tier requires 100 Silver invited users, 40 Gold, or 10 Platinum invited users.
NFT Minting for Tier Selection: In the claim section, users will have the option to mint an NFT for the tier they qualify for. This NFT serves as proof of their tier status and eligibility.
ZBU Protocol's Evolution with ZIPs
Overview of ZIP Points
ZIP (Zeebu Impact Points) serve as the cornerstone of user engagement within the ZBU Protocol, enabling users to progress through various tiers while supporting the ecosystem. ZIPs are farmed through a mix of SocialFi & Financial tasks, with point accrual directly impacting a user’s influence, rewards, and eligibility for tier upgrades.
📌 Make sure you engage in Financial Activity (Stake ZBU or LPs) to claim daily ZIPs, social tasks will give you ZIPs only ONCE
20-Week Progression: SocialFi Engagements
Weekly SocialFi Tasks
The 20-week progression of Season 1, is structured to encourage consistent participation and engagement. Each week, users receive new SocialFi tasks and Financial challenges that allow them to farm ZIPs, with points accumulated contributing toward their tier progression and airdrop rewards.
SocialFi Tasks:
Weekly tasks are designed to build a strong social presence and foster community interaction.
Examples: Retweeting protocol updates, creating educational content, sharing insights on protocol features, and engaging with the community across platforms.
ZIPs are awarded based on task completion, with higher ZIPs for tasks that demonstrate meaningful engagement and contribution to the protocol’s social reach.
Flash Quests:
To keep participation dynamic, Flash Quests are introduced periodically, offering users the chance to farm additional ZIPs through time-limited tasks.
Examples: Completing bonus tasks during protocol updates, joining special events, or participating in AMAs.
These quests serve as quick engagement boosts, creating excitement within the community and rewarding users who are active and responsive.
Financial Tasks:
Financial tasks focus on actions that add direct value to the protocol, such as staking, holding, or providing liquidity.
ZIPs farmed from these tasks reflect the user’s financial commitment to the protocol and contribute to eligibility for higher tiers and rewards.
Examples: Staking ZBU tokens, holding a minimum balance over a set period, or contributing to liquidity pools.
Note: All the ZIPs will be able to claim in T+1 time, so task performed today you will be able to claim those ZIPs on next day. Clock rest’s at UTC 00
Users who are downgrading their tiers in airdrop will be disqualified.
ZIP Distribution Rules for Each Activity
ZIPs per Activity
Activity Frequency
Minimum Qualifying Value
Not Applicable
Generate Invite Code
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Recurring Every day
10 ZBU
Recurring Every day
Recurring Every day
100 LP
Recurring Every day
Recurring Every Day
~ $50
Invited Users
4,6,8% Zip Points on every Point of Financial Activity based on Tier
Zeebu.Fi Qualifying Quests
Zeebu will float minimum qualifying quests for all its waitlist participants, to ensure true beliveres and early backers of $ZBU are given priority over bots. Any number ZIPs farmed by any participant, will not be eligible for claim if the minimum qualifying quests are not performed.
1. Hold ZBU Tokens
Rate: 1 ZBU = 625 base ZIP
User gets 625 base ZIP on first day
User gets 1/4th of base ZIP everyday, 2nd day onwards, until expiry of season 1.
Minimum hold of 10 ZBU
Users must maintain the same amount of ZBU they held when Base ZIPs were credited.
Disqualification: If users transfer even one ZBU, they lose eligibility for ZIPs during that period.
Exception: Staked ZBU remains unaffected by transfer penalties.
Claim: Users see a Claim Option if they hold ZBU in their wallet.
2. Stake ZBU Tokens
Stake in: Voting Escrow Vault
Farm: VeZBU proportional to staked ZBU and lock duration.
ZIP Rate: 1 VeZBU = 2500 base ZIP
The user gets 100% multiplier everyday on the base ZIP
Daily Check: Cron validates the total VeZBU and credits daily ZIPs.
Note: Unstaked tokens do not affect previously farmed ZIPs.
3. Hold LP Tokens (ZBU-USDC)
Rate: 1 ZBU = 625 base ZIP
User gets 1/4th of base ZIP everyday
Minimum hold of $100 ~ LP
Users must maintain the same amount of LP tokens held during the reward period.
Disqualification: Any reduction in LP holdings disqualifies ZIPs farmed in that duration.
Exception: Staked LP tokens remain unaffected by transfer penalties.
4. Stake LP Tokens
Stake in: Voting Escrow Vault
Farm: VeZBU (VeLP) proportional to locked LPs and lock duration.
ZIP Rate: 1 VeZBU = 2500 base ZIP
The user gets 100% multiplier everyday on the base ZIP
Daily Check: Cron job validates the total VeLP and credits daily ZIPs.
5. Swap on Balancer Pool (ZBU-USDC) via
Goal: Encourage on-chain activity by rewarding swaps.
ZIP Rate for Swaps: 625 on 1st swap of the day it can be either USDC-ZBU or ZBU-USDC swaps
1st USDC-ZBU swap of the day: 625 ZIPs per swap if transaction is bigger than $50.
1st ZBU-USDC swap of the day: 625 ZIPs per swap if transaction is bigger than $50.
ZIPs are credited in T+1 timeline only for completed swaps.
Cron job tracks the total swap volume per user within a 24-hour window to credit ZIPs accordingly.
Task-Specific Terms and Conditions
Hold ZBU Tokens
A minimum holding of 10 ZBU tokens is required to be eligible to farm ZIP points. Holding ZBU tokens demonstrates a commitment to the protocol and ensures participants have a vested interest in the ecosystem's success.
Users need to hold the balance in the wallet address used to register on Any movement of tokens to other wallets may result in disqualification from farming ZIP points.
ZBU balance will be checked daily. This daily check ensures that participants are continuously maintaining their token holdings to qualify for points.
Users will farm 625 base ZIP points for each ZBU held, and they will receive 1/4th of the base ZIP daily for each ZBU held.
Example: At the time of registration, if a user has 10 ZBU in their wallet, they will receive a base of 6,250 ZIP points. For each day that they continue to hold 10 ZBU, they will farm an additional 1/4th of the base ZIP, which is 156.25 ZIP per ZBU (1/4th of 625). Therefore, daily, the user will farm 1,562.5 ZIP for holding 10 ZBU. If after 2 days they have a total of 15 ZBU, they will receive 9,375 ZIP as a base (15 ZBU * 625). Daily, they will then farm 2,343.75 ZIP (15 ZBU * 156.25).
Removing ZBU from the wallet will make participants ineligible for the airdrop claim. If a user has claimed ZIP for the ZBU balance holding and moves that ZBU out of their wallet, even for a minute, they will be ineligible at the time of airdrop claim.
Example: At the time of registration, if a user has 10 ZBU in their wallet, they will receive a base of 6,250 ZIP points and then farm 1,562.5 ZIP daily. If the user removes 5 ZBU from their wallet, they will no longer be eligible for the airdrop claim even if they return the tokens shortly thereafter.
If ZBU is staked for VeZBU, participants will remain eligible for the airdrop claim.
Example: At the time of registration, if a user has 10 ZBU in their wallet, they will receive 6,250 ZIP points and farm 1,562.5 ZIP daily. If the user stakes 5 ZBU at and has 5 ZBU left in their wallet, this is a valid action, and the user will not face any ineligibility for it.
Stake VeZBU
Participants must stake ZBU to receive VeZBU on The staking process is straightforward, and participants are encouraged to stake as much ZBU as possible to maximize their rewards.
ZIP points are awarded daily at a rate of VeZBU * 2500 and must be claimed before the end of each day. Daily claiming ensures that participants are active and engaged with the platform.
How much VeZBU you get for each ZBU staked based on time of lock:
1 ZBU staked for 1 day = 0.0006845 VeZBU (This VeZBU will remain the same if you stake for less than 6 months).
1 ZBU staked for 6 months = 0.125 VeZBU (This VeZBU will remain the same if you stake for more than 6 months but less than 1 year).
1 ZBU staked for 1 year = 0.50 VeZBU (This VeZBU will remain the same if you stake for more than 1 year but less than 2 years).
1 ZBU staked for 2 years = 1 VeZBU.
Example: If you stake 1 ZBU for 2 years, you will receive 1 VeZBU, which means you will get 625 ZIP daily. On Day 1, you will have 2500 ZIP, and on Day 2, you will have 5000 ZIP (2500 from Day 1 + 2500 from Day 2).
Unclaimed ZIP points will not be available for later claims in any scenario, so ensure that you do a daily check-in and claim points.
Hold LP Tokens
A minimum holding of 100 LP tokens is required to be eligible to farm ZIP points. Holding ZBU tokens demonstrates a commitment to the protocol and ensures participants have a vested interest in the ecosystem's success.
Users need to hold the balance in the wallet address used to register on Any movement of tokens to other wallets may result in disqualification from farming ZIP points.
LP balance will be checked daily. This daily check ensures that participants are continuously maintaining their token holdings to qualify for points.
Users will farm 625 base ZIP points for each ZBU held, and they will receive 1/4th of the base ZIP daily for each ZBU held.
Example: At the time of registration, if a user has 10 LP in their wallet, they will receive a base of 6,250 ZIP points. For each day that they continue to hold 10 LP, they will farm an additional 1/4th of the base ZIP, which is 156.25 ZIP per LP (1/4th of 625). Therefore, daily, the user will farm 1,562.5 ZIP for holding 10 LP. If after 2 days they have a total of 15 LP, they will receive 9,375 ZIP as a base (15 LP * 625). Daily, they will then farm 2,343.75 ZIP (15 LP * 156.25).
Removing LP from the wallet will make participants ineligible for the airdrop claim. If a user has claimed ZIP for the LP balance holding and moves that LP out of their wallet, even for a minute, they will be ineligible at the time of airdrop claim.
Example: At the time of registration, if a user has 10 LP in their wallet, they will receive a base of 6,250 ZIP points and then farm 1,562.5 ZIP daily. If the user removes 5 LP from their wallet, they will no longer be eligible for the airdrop claim even if they return the tokens shortly thereafter.
If LP is staked for VeZBU, participants will remain eligible for the airdrop claim.
Example: At the time of registration, if a user has 10 LP in their wallet, they will receive 6,250 ZIP points and farm 1,562.5 ZIP daily. If the user stakes 5 LP at and has 5 LP left in their wallet, this is a valid action, and the user will not face any ineligibility for it.
Stake VeLP
Participants must stake LP tokens to receive VeLP on Staking LP tokens helps support the liquidity of the ecosystem and rewards participants for their contribution.
ZIP points are awarded daily at a rate of VeLP * 2500 and must be claimed before the end of each day. Participants must be diligent in claiming their rewards daily to ensure they do not miss out on any farmed ZIP points.
How much VeLP you get for each LP staked based on time of lock:
1 LP staked for 1 day = 0.0006845 VeLP (This VeLP will remain the same if you stake for less than 6 months).
1 LP staked for 6 months = 0.125 VeLP (This VeLP will remain the same if you stake for more than 6 months but less than 1 year).
1 LP staked for 1 year = 0.50 VeLP (This VeLP will remain the same if you stake for more than 1 year but less than 2 years).
1 LP staked for 2 years = 1 VeLP.
Example: If you stake 1 LP for 2 years, you will receive 1 VeLP, which means you will get 2500 ZIP daily. On Day 1, you will have 2500 ZIP, and on Day 2, you will have 5000 ZIP (2500 from Day 1 + 2500 from Day 2).
Unclaimed ZIP points will not be available for later claims in any scenario, so ensure that you do a daily check-in and claim points
Participants must complete a ZBU/USDC swap of at least $50 in value in their wallet address used to register on to farm ZIP points. Swapping helps maintain the liquidity of the protocol and ensures market activity.
The first buy or sell transactions each qualify for 625 ZIP points.
Example: Swap 55 USDC to ZBU = 625 ZIP or Swap 10 ZBU to USDC = 625 ZIP.
These ZIP points are a fixed allocation and are not dependent on the swap amount; only a minimum value of $50 is required. ZIP points won't change if the swap value is $500, $5,000, $50,000, etc. Participants should aim to meet the minimum requirement to qualify for the points, but larger transactions will not result in additional points.
Invite Bonus
You will receive:
Silver Tier user get’s 4%, bonus on ZIPs farmed through their direct contributions.
Gold Tier user get’s 6%, bonus on ZIPs farmed through their direct contributions.
Platinum Tier user get’s 8%, bonus on ZIPs farmed through their direct contributions.
This bonus incentivizes participants to actively promote the protocol and bring in new members who contribute to the ecosystem's growth.
You have to claim the points daily, these ZIPs won’t be credited automatically
Invite Bonus
Users who invite their network and able to achieve more than $1Mn in value staked by them becomes eligible for additional ZBU rewards on monthly basis.
This Claim opens on 15th of every month and can be claimed anytime before the 15th of next month.
You will need be in minimum in Silver Tier to start getting benefit of these rewards
4% of value staked
6% of value staked
8% of value staked
1st epoch of reward is on 15th January, you are able to accumulate stake of $1 million through your invites and you are in Silver Tier. On 15th January you will be able to claim $40,000 equivalent ZBU.
Next epoch is on 15th February, you where able to get another $100,000 from your invites so you current total is at $1.1 million. You already claimed reward on $1 million so you will be able to claim the reward for the differential amount i.e $4000 [4% of $100,000 ($1.1 million - $1million)]
General Terms
All these activities remain valid for using the official ZBU token of BSC, ETH, or BASE. Participants can choose the blockchain they are most comfortable with, allowing for broader accessibility and flexibility.
If your wallet address is hacked, lost, or compromised in any scenario, you won't be able to reclaim your old account ZIP points, so your private key is crucial to your success. Ensure that you keep your account secure at all times and follow best practices for wallet security. ZBU Protocol is not responsible for any losses resulting from compromised wallets.
You can claim all the ZIP points for your financial activities only once a day. The cut-off time is UTC 00 for all data reconciliation and calculation. You will receive your ZIP in T+1 time duration.
Example: You performed all the financial tasks on 30th October 2024, and the total value of ZIP is 50,000. You will be able to claim those ZIP once the system checks the legitimacy of it on 31st October at UTC 02:00. Participants should be aware of the cut-off time and ensure that all activities are completed before this deadline to qualify for daily claims.
How ZIPs Drive ZBU Protocol’s Evolution
Through the accumulation of ZIPs, the protocol creates a multi-faceted engagement model that aligns with its goals of decentralization, transparency, and liquidity:
Progressive User Engagement: Weekly tasks ensure steady user involvement, creating a loyal and engaged user base over the 22-week period. As users accumulate ZIPs, they move up in tiers, access greater rewards, and strengthen their commitment to the protocol.
Community-Driven Growth: By offering tasks that blend SocialFi engagement with financial commitment, the protocol benefits from both expanded social reach and increased liquidity, directly impacting the protocol’s stability and reach.
Continuous Incentives: With ongoing tasks and periodic Flash Quests, users remain motivated, maintaining a continuous cycle of participation and reward. This structure ensures that ZBU Protocol’s community remains active, engaged, and aligned with the protocol’s growth objectives.
Through this structured progression, ZIPs effectively turn user contributions into growth, positioning the ZBU Protocol as a dynamic, user-centric platform with a strong foundation in decentralized finance.
Multi-Chain Allocation for ZBU Airdrop (Season 1)
To provide flexibility, decentralization, and broad access, the ZBU Protocol Airdrop for Season 1 will be distributed across multiple blockchain networks. A total of 60 million ZBU will be allocated for airdrop rewards, split evenly across three chains—Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), and BASE. This approach ensures that users can choose their preferred chain for claiming rewards while ensuring the liquidity and scalability of the ZBU ecosystem across multiple platforms.
Breakdown of Allocation:
Ethereum Chain (ERC): 20 million ZBU
Binance Smart Chain (BSC): 20 million ZBU
BASE Chain: 20 million ZBU
Each chain will have its own dedicated pool of ZBU tokens, with a total of 20 million ZBU allocated to each. Once the allocated tokens on a particular chain are fully claimed or "deprecated," users will no longer be able to claim tokens from that pool.
Criteria and Considerations for Users:
Select Chain at the Time of Claiming:
Users must choose their desired chain when claiming airdrop tokens. This is a one-time decision that cannot be altered later.
Act Quickly for Preferred Chain:
If users have a strong preference for a particular chain (due to gas fees, speed, or familiarity), it’s advisable to act swiftly before the token pool on that chain is depleted.
Eligible Jurisdiction
Global Apart from Restricted Jurisdiction as mentioned below:
Abkhazia, Afghanistan, Angola, Belarus, Burundi, Central African Republic, Congo, Cuba, Crimea, Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Iran, Ivory Coast (Cote D’Ivoire), Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Mali, Burma (Myanmar), Nicaragua, North Korea, Northern Cyprus, Russia, Somalia, Somaliland, South Ossetia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine (Donetsk and Luhansk regions), United States, Venezuela, Yemen, and Zimbabwe.
Zeebu reserves the right to restrict / block any participant who is identified as originated/ operating from these jurisdictions or amend this list based on regulatory & legal guidance.
Sybil Protection
To prevent bots from taking advantage of the airdrop, a number of anti-Sybil rules were established:
If an airdrop recipient's wallet transactions have all occurred within a 48-hour period, the recipient is disqualified.
If an airdrop recipient's wallet address has been identified as a Sybil address during the Hop protocol bounty program, the recipient is disqualified.
Detailed T&C for eligibility will be released later at the time of claim. Zeebu reserves the right to modify any anti-Sybil criteria.
All the Protocol Waitlist Users who signed up for early access has to verify the same email used at the time of sign-up in the task to be eligible for the protocol waitlist airdrop.
Terms & Conditions
Zeebu reserves the right to amend the Airdrop campaign tiers, associated socialfi tasks and method of allocation of ZIP Points.
Zeebu reserves the right to restrict/ block/ disqualify any user wallet address if the same is flagged by any blockchain analytics screener like Chainalysis, Elliptic etc. or there are directives for such restriction/ blocking by any regulatory agency.
Detailed T&C for platform use
Last updated